MI Charter Schools

Michigan's charter schools are cultivating K-12 public education that innovates, inspires & supports modern students, educators & families. 

our stories get the facts

MI alt route program bringing diverse, effective teachers into the classroom

The Professional Innovators in Teaching (PIIT) program, created by MAPSA, is a state-approved Michigan alternative route to certification program designed to inspire success through innovative real-time coaching, integrated curriculum and cohort-based instruction.

About the Program Read More

U.S. News rankings show the top high schools in Detroit are all charter schools

The U.S. News and World Report rankings of the Best High Schools in America have been announced for 2024, and once again, the top open-enrollment high schools in Detroit are all charter schools.


Meet May's #MICharterHero: Coach Monique Brown from Detroit Edison Public School Academy

For Shayla Boose, the Kitchen Director at the International Academy of Flint, there’s a simple explanation as to why she loves her job so much. “Food means love, and I can just show that to kids through feeding them." She said.

Meet Coach Brown



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MAPSA, Michigan's Charter School Association, facilitates public support for MI charters, giving a voice to the movement.

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MI Charter Heroes

Discover the outstanding people who work and help our students in Michigan's Charter Schools!

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Get the charter school facts

Charter schools are driving success, innovation and progress. Find out why.

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Alt Route to MI Teacher Certification

Discover your alternative path to Michigan teacher certification and additional endorsement.

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MAPSA Membership

Join MAPSA today to support the advocacy and communications efforts for all Michigan's charter schools.

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